Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Answers to the Video

1. A digital artist needs to know how to work the computer. he needs to have some information about photoshop. computer skills are very important because they have to work with computers almost all the time.

2. The three possible photoshop tools that were used un the video were:
  • selection tool
  • clone tool
  • masking tool
3.the ten occupations are:
  • Creative Director- A creative director is a position usually found within the Fashion, advertising, media or entertainment industries, but may be useful in other creative organizations such as web development and software development firms as well. The job entails overseeing all aspects of product design.
  • design- A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
  • edit- To prepare (written material) for publication or presentation, as by correcting, revising, or adapting.
  • sound design- Sound design is the process of specifying, acquiring, manipulating or generating audio elements. It is employed in a variety of disciplines including film, theatre, sound recording and reproduction, live color performance, sound art and computer game software development. Sound design most commonly involves the manipulation of previously composed or recorded audio, such as music and sound effects. In some instances it may also involve the composition or manipulation of audio to create a desired effect or mood. A sound designer is one who practices the art of sound design.
  • marketing coordinator- Under general direction, plans, develops and implements marketing campaigns for a program or entity; designs and implements promotional strategies for specific markets/audiences; monitors and evaluates the results; and performs related duties as required.
  •  compositing- In video terminology, compositing is the merging of two video tracks in order to produce a new single image frame from the combined tracks. The term may also be used to describe the overlaying of text and titles on video clips.
    In graphics, compositing is the process of superimposing one image over top of another image, combined they create one new single image.
  • finishing- The final part; the conclusion. Bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i pod skin.

4. merge the shadow and reflection layers by right clicking .
5. cntl T (transform)and flip it vertically-reflection.
6. now put a mask on your reflection using the gradient tool or use your paint brush ... fade and make it look ligfhter than the other to make the reflection believable. the grafient tool is next to the eraser. it is sqaured.
7. shadow layer now take your shadow layer and cntrl click on the i pod layer it will give u a selction of ur i pod.
now edit >fill >black. now deselect that by cntrl d now cntrl T and make it really small now the last thing is filter >blur> gaussian blur. and if ur shadow is sdtill too dark then reduce the opacity of the layer. the reflection should be under ur ipod.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


the seven tools of composition
  1. hierarchy-organizing things from most important to least important.
  2. focul point/focus point-the strongest, most compelling element in a design.
  3. eye path-a strong composition can giude the viewer's eye through the design. its all abouit giuding the viewers eye along the path.
  4. proportion-size of elements relative to one another.
  5. visual weight-the lightness or darkness of a color.
  6. type as a visual element-
  7. alignment-in the context of layout, you use alignment to align things up.
design with intention, dont place things without thought.
all these tools areuse these tools to help giude your viewers eye.

Friday, February 18, 2011


  • you can copy or get the image that is the porche on the beach by copy or pasting it or making a selection and using the move tool to drag it or use the layer and drag it to the beach.
  • cntl+t transforms the image.
  • zoom ouit if u cvant c ur handles. hold down shift when u use transform to increasee or ruce the size.
  • when ur done transforming it pres enter and u can transform by right clicking it.
  • THE SHORT CUT to make ur brush smaller the left bracket makes it smaller and the right square brackets make it bigger or u cud use the right clcik and dont 4get to chasnge the hardness.
  • use the hard brush to go around objects and use shift to clcik on it and shift to click on another point to make it come thru that point where u clicked after.and use a bigger brush .
  • and use a soft brush and low opacity to blend

Thursday, February 17, 2011

-how to navigate or move around-spcebar or grab ur tool or just clck on the hand tool.
-what are the default colors in photo shop and how do u make dem default...balck and white and clck on the smaller boxes and u will hav ur default colrs back
-why selections are important?---for u to isolate something.
-how do u add to a selection-shift
how do u subtract a selection-alt
how do u deselect-cntrl d
shortcut to fill-alt+delt
how to inverse-
-how do u make a selection if u have not saved it-well one way is to save ur selection and the other way is cntrl+click the thumb nail on the layer on the right side.
-please name ur layers.

duplicate ur background layer all the time....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


if you want to move several layers at the same time, use shift to select them.
if you want to edit the background layer, double click it and just rename it.
how to get the selection back: ctrl +click the layers thumb and now you have a selection.
the short cut to fill is the key alt + delete.
work flow:name alll your layers. double click on the layer and name it.
if you are in ever doubt please slowely turn all your layers off.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


  • the text tool is in T.
  • rite click on the layer to rasterize type it.
  • you gonna drag that type to a new layer at the bottom where the new layer is. you shud hav 2 copies
  • at the top you have the move tool.
  • lock the transparency and make sure u lock it with lock tool
  • under edit menu, fill with black .
  • now you have a white and a black text
  • turn the lock offf because u will blur it.
  • filter>blur>glassain blur.
  • reduce tyhe opacity of it.
  • move the shadow under neath it so its sitting underneath the white layer.

how to make a blapple

-qiuck selection tool
- selct my background.
-then usr the polygonsl lasso tol to select the stem.
-then invert that selection.
-click on the layer adjustment.

Monday, February 14, 2011


invert a selection-shft+cntl+I
under image click adjustment-hue saturation   
how to get the watch on a difff layer
you can copy and paste or drag using the move tool- its on the top right corner.
1. select
copy an paste
or if oyu have 2 images open, you could have drages it to the layer.
to turn the layer on and off clcik on the eye beside the picture just hide it, not delete it.
how to clolor in and make as hadow
clcik on lock transparency ..on the layer itself it has an icon of lock
go to edit and fill press ok.and it fill
next, how to blur or make  as shadow...its under the menu filter, the one you shud choose blur choose gussain blur.xdo unlock the layer first and clcik on the unlock button. and den filter it again and make it blurry.
to get a selection back, hold down the ctrl key and clcik on the little pic on the layer.
change the opacity

Friday, February 11, 2011

under select at the very down bottom select save
and give it a name.

u can save ur seelction and load it back on and wen u hit selction it will be back.

change color its under the image menu   click adjustment and click on hue selsction.
short cut for hand tool is space bar .
if u want 2 zoom in space bar +cntrl lets u zoom in .
space bar cntrl alt- u can zoom out.
to add to  as election hold to shift
pres alt to remove it...

shift is add and alt is subtract.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Principles of Design Scrapbook



Line is defined as a single-color design made with one pen or a pencil with less or no shading effects other than parallel lines crossing each other. It is any mark connecting two lines. 
 If you look around, you have many kinds of lines, for example, straight, thin, fat, squiggly, and dotted lines.


 Shape is a form of an object : the way it is laid out in the gap. Shape is not what it is made of or where it is. some basic or simple shapes are circles, squares, triangles, etc(two dimensional) spheres, cubes, pyramids(three dimesnsional).


The image is of wet sand patterns that you can find at the beach. It communicates the nature of the object.
Texture is a visual element. it goes beyond the eyes and also appeals to the sense of contact. Texture makes an image look 3 dimensiona, even when it is 2 dimension. Texture isn't always rough in nature. It can be smoothe and soft at the same time.


Color can be a bit too strong. It can be used to define or simplify an object. It can be represented in an emotional way , that is blue for sadness, red for anger, yellow for happiness, etc, symbolically, and psychologically. 



 When a design can be equally separated both vertically and horizontally, then it has the most entire balance possible,this is called symmetrical balance.

They would nearly have the same visual mass.
This piture above and below can also be divided equally.


It is an arrangement of contrasting items of the same mass on each side of the sheet. Color, worth, amount, shape, and quality can be used as balancing elements.

 Asymmetrical balance is also the art of balance with a sense of unbalance.


Another word for rhythm is repitition. It is the basic principle of design.
It is a principle of design indicating movement which is achieved by the repitition of beats, lines or shapes.


Proportion is the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms.
It is the relationship in scale between one element and another.


It is something that stands out first and also gets noticed first.

 Every layout needs a focal point to get some attention at the important part. A focal point is created when one element is different from others.


A principle of design, it refers to a way of combining elements of art to accent their similarities and bind the picture parts into a whole. It is often achieved through the use of repetition and simplicity.


Friday, February 4, 2011

My favourite football player.

 My favourite football player is David Beckam. The only reason I like him is because he plays sincerely and is extremely good loking.